Owner & Founder

E-RYT® 200, RYT® 500, YACEP®, NCBTMB 40 Hrs

I began my yoga journey in 2005 with my best friend. I immediately felt an awakening and haven't looked back since. Yoga has helped me to understand myself, others, and the human need for love, movement, and deep reflection. Along with helping to nourish my thirst for movement and personal inquiry, it awakened a passion for listening: to the sounds of nature, to my loved ones, to strangers, and especially to myself. The practice of yoga has a profound ability to focus the mind, straighten the body, and nourish the soul. My heart has lived in teaching ever since. In my classes you'll flow, you'll breathe, you'll learn and you'll challenge yourself!


I found yoga in the most unlikely of places, in P90X. I began to practice in hopes of gaining flexibility and reaching my out-of-touch toes. What I didn't expect to find was the calm which came with the practice.

Through all the sports and busy wanderings, finally I found an experience to pause, breath, exist, and observe myself. Wanting to explore this further, I took the yoga immersion and teacher training program at the Plymouth Yoga Room in the fall of 2015.

I have a foundation in Ashtanga yoga which forms the basis of my flows. My yoga goals for myself and my students are to cultivate a humble appreciation of our beautiful bodies as they currently are and to push the limits of what each body can achieve at its fully activated state. Outside yoga, I am a reader of books, a player of games, a runner of miles, a corrector of grammar, a walker of trails, a dreamer of dreams.


Carla Howe, RYT 200, aims to spread joy and connection with others through yoga that supports sustainable health and wellness. She specializes in vinyasa and gentle flow classes that incorporate meditation and breathwork. She first found yoga in the late 1990’s through Rodney Yee’s instructional yoga videos. Decades later, after her father’s passing and a chronic health diagnosis, she found a steady practice in Morgantown, West Virginia (where she lived for five years) that ultimately led her to Suncrest Yoga’s teacher training program under Nicole Yost Ross--and it changed her life through routine practice, strong friendships and a deepened understanding of herself! Outside of yoga, Carla is a competitive Michigan Masters Swimmer, leads a team of education data system experts, and enjoys quality time with her friends, family, and pets. And she loves coffee.


I couldn’t reach my toes when I first started practicing yoga in 2014. I had been training for a half-marathon and decided that I just needed “a little yoga” to help improve my flexibility. This “little yoga” turned out to be a struggle. I howled and groaned trying to keep up with the yoga teachers on Youtube. Even though it would be a long way off until I finally reached my toes–I quickly realized that each yoga practice left me feeling just a little bit lighter. A few years later, I began a PhD in Developmental Psychology at the University of Michigan and adopted an even greater appreciation of the profound mental health benefits of yoga. I then started my 200 hour registered yoga teacher training as a desire to support my own mental health, put my academic training into practice, and expand access to yoga. 

My classes are designed for exploration and restoration. I adopt elements of Ashtanga and Yin yoga to build strength and flexibility. I also incorporate playful, intuitive movement to help foster a sense of freedom. I would love to practice with you. Hope to see you on your yoga mat soon!


Kathleen's yoga journey began in the mid 1990's. Over the course of continued practice, she appreciated and fell in love with the way she felt and how her life was changing. These changes and new-found awareness, however, didn't happen over night or with a sense of ease. It was rather a process of looking deep inside and of connecting with her self & learning that her heart was her true teacher.

Since receiving her RYT certification in 2004, Kathleen has continued her studies with many international & local teachers. She loves to sing and--through her mindful, alignment-based classes-- offers her students an eclectic, playful flow while sharing philosophy and all she's learned both on & off the mat.


Alex found yoga shortly after graduating college. Like many people, she struggled to shut off her brain and was used to moving her body at a high intensity. All it took is the right teacher and playlist, and a love affair was born. Alex is a personal trainer and group fitness instructor who completed her 200-hr YTT in January of 2021. She loves to blend different types of yoga to create a class that is energetic and playful but also personal and purposeful.


I started my yoga journey about 9 years ago to manage some lower back pain from my job as a Licensed Esthetician. Though I did find relief in my muscles and my joints. I also noticed that along with this my mental health and overall quality of life were improving. Soon I felt the unshakable need to share this with others so in November of 2019 I started my journey as a teacher. Since receiving my RYT in 2020 I have obtained and shared knowledge with amazing people from all over the Yoga Community. Specifically specializing in trauma informed teaching, Yin and Yoga Nidra; yoga nidra and vinyasa being personal favorites to teach. I love creating challenging classes that bring the mind and body together; in creating these classes I hope to provide a space where everyone can share in the joy yoga brings.


Once upon a time I was an Elaine Powers teacher (think Jane Fonda videos; leg warmers, headband, tights and all!). That was short lived because along came a real job and career, a marriage and 2 children. I was always physically active but traveling for work limited my ability to keep up with “the gym”. The year I turned 48 I discovered yoga! I could practice anywhere, especially my hotel room. At that time and for the next couple of years my practice was part of a gym. I realized that what I wanted was more; a dedicated Yoga Studio. Along came Bodhi and after a couple of years of years here I had this idea that I could become a late in life teacher. When Covid hit, so did a buyout package from my career. I took that package and ran to Yoga Teacher Training. Out of one of the worst things in the world I was able to realize my late in life goal of becoming a Yoga Teacher. I look forward to leading practices and continuing to practice next to you!


I started practicing yoga in 2005 for its physical benefits and in turn experienced exponential mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits as well. I kept coming back for more! Over the past 15 years I've turned to yoga to guide me through multiple career transitions, releasing toxic relationships, and an overall greater well being. The mindfulness, positive energy, and physical challenges of yoga (poses, breath-work, and values) are nothing short of inspirational. With a passion to help others enhance their well being, I became RYT certified in 2019 in the Sivanada yoga style through instructor Ray Reese-Cook. I am also a Certified Health Coach through Dr. Sears Wellness Institute. My goal is to help people along their mind, body, and spiritual health journeys, by bringing mindfulness into their lives.


Hi , I’m Katie! My yoga journey started when I was 20 years old and working in health care. As an empath it always brought me joy to make people feel better but it wasn’t the path that felt authentic. I did my first teacher training in 2010 at Yoga 4 Peace. Seeing how happy people were after taking a yoga class was the reward that made me passionate about sharing yoga. I switched from health care to the health and wellness industry. During my first pregnancy I took a second 200 hour YTT . I sparked a deep connection to pre/ post natal yoga and took a Prenatal Training at Honey Studio. During my second pregnancy I was so sick that the physical practice wasn’t in my daily life but it was replaced with meditation and mindfulness . It made me slow down and appreciate all the other magical parts of yoga . My kids AJ and Madison are always inspiring my teaching style . In 2020 I started exploring sound healing . I love sharing sound baths and seeing the blissful experience it gives.

In 2021 I completed Reiki 1 and 2 training.

Nice to meet you! I enjoy holding space for you to explore your own journey.